국민권익위, LH강남7단지 등 조기분양전환 관련 요구민원 현장 조정회의

- 국민권익위, 서초·강남 공공임대주택 임차인 ‘만기분양전환 지원대책 2.0’ 적용토록 조정, 다른 지역의 공공임대주택 ‘조기분양전환’ 할 때에도 ‘만기분양전환 지원대책’ 혜택 받게 돼

강인호 | 입력 : 2021/06/22 [20:06]


이정희 국민권익위원회 부위원장이 22일 서울 강남구 LH강남7단지아파트에서 열린 'LH강남7단지 등 임대아파트 조기분양전환 관련 집단 고충민원 현장 조정회의'에서 발언하고 있다.
이정희 국민권익위원회 부위원장이 22일 서울 강남구 LH강남7단지아파트에서 열린 'LH강남7단지 등 임대아파트 조기분양전환 관련 집단 고충민원 현장 조정회의'에서 발언하고 있다.


이번 조정으로 조기분양전환하는 LH서초4단지, LH강남5·7·8단지 공공임대주택이 만기분양전환 지원대책 2.0’의 혜택을 받는다. 조기분양전환하는 다른 공공임대주택도 만기분양전환 지원대책 2.0의 적용을 받을 수 있을 전망이다.


국민권익위원회(위원장 전현희, 이하 국민권익위)622LH강남7단지에서 위 단지들의 임차인 대표, 강남서초 보금자리지구 국가유공자회, 한국토지주택공사, 국가보훈처 관계자 등이 참석한 가운데 이정희 부위원장 주재로 현장조정회의를 개최했다.


LH서초4단지, LH강남5·7·8단지는 임대의무기간(10)의 절반이 지나고 임대사업자와 임차인이 합의하면 조기분양전환이 가능하다.


조정 결과 한국토지주택공사는 LH서초4단지, LH강남 5·7·8단지 임차인 중 조정일 현재까지 계약이 체결되지 않은 임차인에게 분양전환 지원대책 2.0을 적용해 조기분양전환 계약을 체결하고 위 단지에 거주 중인 국가유공자에게 분양전환 지원대책 2.0 중 저소득층 지원대책을 적용해 계약을 체결하며 이후 조기분양 전환되는 10년 공공건설임대주택에 대해 분양전환 지원대책 2.0을 적용하기로 했다.


또 국가보훈처는 국가유공자들의 생활 및 주거안정을 위해 관련규정에 따라 대부금을 지원하는 등 적극 노력하기로 했다.


이정희 국민권익위원회 부위원장이 22일 서울 강남구 LH강남7단지아파트에서 열린 'LH강남7단지 등 임대아파트 조기분양전환 관련 집단 고충민원 현장 조정회의'를 마친 후 입주민, 관계자들과 기념촬영을 하고 있다.
이정희 국민권익위원회 부위원장이 22일 서울 강남구 LH강남7단지아파트에서 열린 'LH강남7단지 등 임대아파트 조기분양전환 관련 집단 고충민원 현장 조정회의'를 마친 후 입주민, 관계자들과 기념촬영을 하고 있다.


국민권익위는 민원 해결을 위해 여러 차례 임차인 대표와 국가유공자회를 만났으며, 올해 54일 조정안을 마련해 임차인 대표와 국가유공자회, 한국토지주택공사 및 관계기관 간 의견을 조율해 오늘 조정회의를 개최하게 됐다.


국민권익위 이정희 부위원장은 이번 조정으로 LH서초4단지와 LH강남5·7·8단지의 조기분양전환 계약이 원활히 진행돼 임차인 및 유공자들의 거주불안이 해소되고 내 집 마련의 꿈이 실현될 수 있기를 바란다라며 조정 이후 조기분양전환하는 모든 공공임대아파트 또한 만기분양전환 지원대책 2.0이 적용되므로 서민들의 부담이 줄어들 수 있게 된 것을 기쁘게 생각한다라고 말했다.



강인호 기자  handuru@naver.com


번역(구글 번역기)Translation (Google Translate)




With this adjustment, public rental housing in LH Seocho Complex 4 and LH Gangnam Complex 5, 7, and 8, which are converted to pre-sale at an early stage, will benefit from ‘Maturity Sale Conversion Support Measure 2.0’. It is expected that other public rental housing with early conversion to pre-sale may also be eligible for Maturity Sale Conversion Support Measure 2.0.


The Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission (Chairman Hyun-hee Jeon, hereinafter referred to as the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission) was held on June 22 at LH Gangnam 7 complex, attended by representatives of tenants from the above complexes, Gangnam-Seocho Bogeumjari District National Merited Association, Korea Land and Housing Corporation, and officials from the Ministry of Veterans Affairs. In the middle, an on-site coordination meeting was held presided over by Vice Chairman Lee Jeong-hee.


In the case of LH Seocho Complex 4 and LH Gangnam 5·7·8 Complex, when half of the mandatory rental period (10 years) has passed and the rental business operator and the lessee agree, an early sale conversion is possible.


As a result of the adjustment, Korea Land and Housing Corporation signed an early sale conversion contract by applying Measure 2.0 to support pre-sale conversion to lessees who have not signed a contract as of the date of adjustment among the tenants of LH Seocho 4 Complex and LH Gangnam 5, 7, 8, and The contract was signed by applying the measures to support the low-income class among those of national merit living in the complex. After that, it was decided to apply Measures 2.0 to support the conversion to sale in public construction for 10-year rental housing that is converted into early sale.


In addition, the Ministry of Veterans Affairs and Veterans Affairs decided to make an active effort, such as providing loans in accordance with relevant regulations for the stability of living and housing of persons of national merit.


LH Seocho Complex 4 and LH Gangnam 5·7·8 Complex have been enacted in the Special Act on the Construction of Bogeumjari Housing, Etc.in order to expand the opportunity for low-income people to buy their own house at an affordable price and to promote housing safety for the common people. Accordingly, it was built and supplied by Korea Land and Housing Corporation. Tenants moved in sequentially from November 2013 to June 2015 and have been living there until now.


On December 27, 2019, the lessees requested the Korea Land and Housing Corporation to convert to an early sale.


However, as the real estate price soared, the burden increased, with the sale conversion price reaching 83 million won for a 74.84 m² area, and the tenants filed several complaints with the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport and related organizations such as the Korea Land and Housing Corporation to lower the sale conversion price. did.


The Korea Land and Housing Corporation and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport virtually rejected the tenant's request, saying that the amount was legally calculated according to the Special Act on Public Housing.


Accordingly, the lessees filed a complaint with the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission in August of last year, requesting that the pre-sale conversion support measure 2.0 be applied, such as the conversion to maturity sale, in case of early sale conversion.


Lee Jeong-hee, vice chairman of the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission, poses for a commemorative photo with residents and officials after the 'Group grievance complaints related to the early sale conversion of rental apartments including LH Gangnam 7 complex' held at the LH Gangnam 7 complex apartment in Gangnam-gu, Seoul on the 22nd.


The Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission met with the tenant representative and the National Association of People of Merit several times to resolve civil complaints. was held


Vice-Chairman Lee Jeong-hee of the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission said, “With this adjustment, the contract for the early sale conversion of LH Seocho 4 complex and LH Gangnam 5, 7, 8 will be smoothly carried out, so that the residence anxiety of tenants and people of merit can be resolved and the dream of owning a house can be realized. He said, “I am happy that the burden on the common people can be reduced as all public rental apartments that are converted to pre-sale at an early stage after the adjustment are also subject to Measure 2.0 for Maturity Conversion.”



By Kang In-ho, staff reporter handuru@naver.com

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