“한미연합군사훈련 영구 중단하라” ... 진보당 김재연 상임대표,1인시위

“한반도에서 70여년 이어진 전쟁과 대결을 끝냅시다!”

강인호 | 입력 : 2021/07/22 [05:45]
△진보당 김재연 상임대표가 한미연합군사훈련 실시가 유력하다고 알려진 8월 중순을 앞두고, 청와대 앞에서 “한반도에서 70여년 이어진 전쟁과 대결을 끝내자”며 한미연합군사훈련 영구 중단을 촉구하는 1인 시위를 진행하고 있다. 2021. 7. 21.

진보당 김재연 상임대표는 한미연합군사훈련 실시가 유력하다고 알려진 8월 중순을 앞두고, 7월 21일 (수) 청와대 앞에서 “한반도에서 70여년 이어진 전쟁과 대결을 끝내자”며 한미연합군사훈련 영구 중단을 촉구하는 1인 시위를 진행했다.

김재연 진보당 상임대표는 “바이든 행정부가 판문점 선언을 존중하고 싱가포르 공동성명을 북미 관계 개선의 디딤돌로 삼기로 했다면 당장 한미연합군사훈련의 영구 중단 선언에서부터 대화 재개의 실마리를 찾아야 할 것” 이라고 밝혔다.

아울러 “문재인 정부도 기존의 합의사항에 대한 책임있는 모습은 보이지 않고 계속해서 비본질적인 내용만 반복한다면 현재 조성되어 있는 냉각 국면을 타개 할 수 없다”며 “2018년 판문점 선언에서 ‘군사적 긴장과 충돌의 근원으로 되는 상대방에 대한 일체의 적대행위를 전면 중지하기로’ 한 합의한 사항을 이행하는 것이 한반도 평화와 번영, 그리고 통일로 가는 유일한 길임을 확인하고 적극적인 행동으로 보여줘야 한다”고 밝혔다.

이에 발맞춰 진보당 당원들은 8월 중순까지 훈련 중단을 촉구하는 1인 시위를 전국주요거점에서 진행 할 예정이다.


강인호 기자   mis728@haengjung.com


번역(구글 번역기)Translation (Google Translate)

<“Permanent suspension of the ROK-U.S. joint military exercise” ... Kim Jae-yeon, permanent leader of the Progressive Party, one-man protest>

△In front of the Blue House in mid-August, when Kim Jae-yeon, permanent leader of the Progressive Party, is expected to hold a joint military exercise with South Korea and the United States, a one-man demonstration calling for the permanent suspension of the South Korea-U.S. military training is held in front of the Blue House, saying, “Let’s end the 70-year war and confrontation on the Korean Peninsula.” are doing 2021. 7. 21.
△In front of the Blue House in mid-August, when Kim Jae-yeon, permanent leader of the Progressive Party, is expected to hold a joint military exercise with South Korea and the United States, a one-man demonstration calling for the permanent suspension of the South Korea-U.S. military training is held in front of the Blue House, saying, “Let’s end the 70-year war and confrontation on the Korean Peninsula.” are doing 2021. 7. 21.

In front of the Blue House on July 21 (Wednesday), ahead of mid-August, when the ROK-U.S. combined military exercise is expected to be held, Kim Jae-yeon, the permanent leader of the Progressive Party, urged the permanent suspension of the ROK-US combined military exercise, saying, “Let’s end the 70-year war and confrontation on the Korean Peninsula.” A one-man protest was held.

"If the Biden administration respects the Panmunjom Declaration and decides to use the Singapore Joint Statement as a stepping stone to improving relations between the two countries, then we must immediately find a clue to resume dialogue from the declaration of permanent suspension of the ROK-U.S. joint military exercise," said Kim Jae-yeon, standing leader of the Progressive Party.

In addition, “If the Moon Jae-in administration does not appear to be responsible for the existing agreements and continues to repeat non-essential content, it cannot overcome the current cooling phase,” he said. “In the 2018 Panmunjom Declaration, ‘military tension and conflict’ "We must confirm and show positive action by confirming that implementing the agreement to 'completely stop all hostile acts against the other party' is the only way to peace, prosperity and unification on the Korean Peninsula," he said.

In line with this, members of the Progressive Party are planning to hold a one-man demonstration at major bases nationwide by mid-August calling for a halt to training.


By Kang In-ho, staff reporter handuru@naver.com

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